Episode1 Chapter 2: Alaska Author Ron Walden … Influences of the Silver Valley, so that’s where the heck he came from © Ugly Moose AK
Episode1 Chapter 2: Alaska Author Ron Walden … Influences of the Silver Valley, so that’s where the heck he came from © Ugly Moose AK Welcome to The Wisdom of the Donut Hole, where we dig into backdrops, characters and plots of more than a dozen books from Ron Walden: Author of True to Life Alaska Crime & Other Alaska Stories. I’m your host, Scott Walden. And yes, Ron Walden is my dad. Wanted to clear up any confusion caused by my narration last episode, where I spoke as narrator then as Ron being my dad. Either way, he’s my dad. And I’m proud of him. I too, grew up in the Silver Valley. Experienced those Walden Grocery Christmases, the freedoms of living in such a wild place so full of history. It was sad to see the area be devastated by an unmonitored industry, yet it’s been satisfying to see the transition to what it is today. A beautiful Place and good people. I got an early start in the 1970s as a firefighter for Sh...